Infertility Is…The Loss Of A Dream

Written by Lindsay, @lindsayann_b

Infertility is the loss of a dream.
Dreaming of the future – at some point we all do it. Maybe it was when you were a little girl playing house, pushing your doll in the stroller and dreaming of being a mommy. Maybe it was when you realized your partner was the one, dreaming of the family you two would build together. Or maybe, it was when you decided to finally grow your family. You dreamed of soon rubbing a growing belly and holding that sweet little one in your arms.
You dare to dream and you plan, until one day you hear the word “infertility” and you feel the weight of the world falling down upon you. Suddenly, the dreams start to become lost in the reality of infertility.
Infertility is the loss of so many dreams.
The dreams of romantically conceiving your baby. The dreams of spontaneously taking a pregnancy test and seeing two lines starring back at you. The dreams of surprising your partner.The dreams of baby clothes and nursery decor.The dreams of Christmas’, birthdays, Halloween’s, and family vacations.The dreams of celebrating all the “firsts”.
These dreams, my dreams, have started to fade. They’ve become grey. They are dreams placed gently in a box, quietly tucked in the back of a closet. 
Infertility is the loss of a dream. It’s the loss of the plans you had for growing your family. It’s the loss of so many little things. But infertility is not the loss of hope. Because through every lost dream in your infertility journey, hope remains. Hope whispers keep trying, keep praying, and keep dreaming.

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